![]() Originally published in May 2015, this post has been recently updated with even more awesome information! “Postpartum [pohst-pahr-tuh m]: Adjective. Of or noting the period following childbirth; after delivery (origin: Neo-Latin, 1840-50).” Ah, yes. Postpartum. "The postpartum period." "The time following birth." While the time of birth is celebrated, the time afterwards is all too often not given much more than a moment's thought. I tell my doula and student families that "preparing for birth, but not for postpartum, is like preparing for the wedding but not the marriage." Sometimes that is met with a bit of a dull thud. Understandable. It's not something we like to think about, necessarily... How things might be difficult in those first weeks and months; how we might need to ask for support when it's outside of our comfort zone; how sleep deprivation will settle in; how baby might not latch on and nurse as well as we'd hoped; how our family lives way father away than we'd like. But it is important. So, SO important. Here are eight time-tested ways you can help to ensure that your postpartum period will be as wonderful as your birth! 1) Consider placenta encapsulation. Research and reports from mothers who have encapsulated their placenta indicate that the potential benefits include:
2) Plan, plan, plan. Take advantage of the time during your pregnancy to determine what your plan will be so that you have the space and time you need to take that rest. You earned it! You did just take nine months to fully grow and give birth to another human being, after all. It is unreasonable to expect that you would be back to normal after just a few days. If you plan and take this time in the beginning, you will feel better so much faster and be back to your new normal fairly quickly. DONA has a wonderful Postpartum Planning Worksheet if you need help getting started! You planned your wedding. You planned your last vacation. You planned your birth. Don’t forget to plan for the postpartum period! Think about the following questions:
3) Stay home (or close to it) for a few weeks and PRACTICE SELF CARE! Rest and nest. This may sound hard; especially for women who are used to being “on the go.” However, in those early days after your baby, it is essential that you rest and recoup. Physiologically speaking, you essentially have a placenta-sized scab on the inside of your uterus right after birth. When you get up and move around too much, you continually re-open that scab and slow the healing process. Think of your pelvic floor as a “sling” that has been opened and stretched to make room for a baby to emerge; it also needs time to come back to normal. Take the time to let your body recover! You will never have this sweet time with your baby again. Snuggle in bed, nurse, and watch TV or read a book. This concept becomes even more important when you are adding to your family. Once your older kids see you out of bed and out and about, they will expect you to be a full-time mom again. Once you leave your nest, you can’t go back. It is difficult for those of us who work with new moms to see them out at Costco or the mall in those first few weeks after the birth. Their bodies haven’t had time to recover. And the babies – they will have plenty of time to develop their immune systems, but those first few weeks isn’t the time to start exposing them to anything aside from the antibodies directly from your skin. For more on how to recover after birth, check out this wonderful summary: “A Guide to the Tender Loving Care of Yourself.” When you are ready to leave the house more, book that massage (or have your partner book it for you)! Better yet, find a massage therapist who will come to you. See your chiropractor. Take a nice, long soak in an herbal bath. This cannot be stressed enough: Take breaks! Short ones if you have to, and longer ones if you can get them. 4) Set healthy boundaries. This is tough. Really tough. There will naturally be many important people in your life that want to meet the baby once he/she arrives. Try setting up a visiting schedule each day (or every-other day) when people can come visit. Be “selfish.” Find a time that works for your own family and have an “open house” of sorts for several friends and family members to come at once (but not too many at once). Of course you want to show off your new baby, but if you can’t be topless in front of your visitors, then they really shouldn’t be over. Newborns will be newborns for several weeks; everyone will get a chance. Remember that baby belongs with you… not passed around from person to person. When people do come to visit, put them to work – have them start a load of laundry, fold the clean clothes, or wash some dishes. Oh, and they definitely should not come unless they bring a meal! Our culture has things a wee bit backwards when it comes to taking care of new mamas. Hint: holding the baby while the mama “gets things done” isn’t the way to go! Ask your provider or doula for a note you can put on your front door that basically says, “If you aren’t here to help, you shouldn’t be here.” Or, a note that asks well-meaning family and friends to leave meals for you on the steps/porch. You just might be surprised how understanding folks can be when they know you have just given birth. Give yourself space and grace. They will too! 5) Set realistic expectations surrounding that 5-letter word: SLEEP. Your baby spent the last nine months growing in, and being nourished by, your body. It's amazing! The only thing?... Once they are born, they tend to not realize that they are a separate being from you. They are used to having their needs (sleep included) met on demand! They are securely attached to you, and for the first several months experience what is called "The Fourth Trimester." This means they do not sleep on what we adults consider to be a "normal" schedule. The average newborn sleeps 16-17 hours per 24 hours, evenly spread out throughout the day. If you have a partner, you are lucky. Even if you do, there are many reasons that sleep with a newborn can be quite challenging. If you adjust your expectations accordingly, you may still be exhausted, but you will be less frustrated with baby, yourself, and your partner. As cliché as it may sound, do try to sleep when baby sleeps. If you find that baby's sleep is particularly challenging, Flutterby offers sleep consultations centered around a gentle, attachment-based approach. Consultation appointments can take place either virtually or in person. 6) Hire a postpartum doula. Yes! There is such a thing as postpartum doulas… And they’re awesome! They can provide support and encouragement in those first few weeks postpartum. They do light house cleaning, make meals, run errands, hold the baby so you can nap, help you navigate breastfeeding… whatever you need! If you don’t have familial support, a postpartum doula is essential! Your provider or doula should be able to provide you a list of local postpartum doulas. 7) Give yourself grace. Lower your own expectations. Give yourself some slack. Sometimes this may be the most difficult step of them all. Women, by nature, are harder on ourselves that we should be. The “Mommy Wars,” trying to please everyone, and wanting to live up to our own mothers’ (or friends’) examples or expectations… It’s a lot for any mom, but especially a new one! It doesn’t matter what the house looks like. It doesn’t matter that you are getting take-out food 4-5 times per week. What really matters is that sweet new person you get to snuggle… and taking care of yourself. There will be plenty of time to worry about the other stuff, but those first days and weeks with your new babe are irreplaceable. 8) Know when additional help is needed… and where to find it. Sometimes the postpartum time comes with postpartum depression or other postpartum mood disorders. According to the CDC, 11-20% of new moms are diagnosed with postpartum depression, and it may begin anytime in the first year of baby’s life. Partners are often the ones who notice depression first – their partners are just not the same, and it is more than just the sleep deprivation or expected struggles that come with being a new parent. Thankfully, there are lots of resources. Here are a few for our local folks, and know that you can always contact your provider too: Pregnancy and Postpartum Support Minnesota HCMC’s Mother Baby Program Postpartum Counseling Center Consider joining a new mom’s group or a MOMS Club in your area! Sometimes getting out and being around other new moms who are traveling the same road that you are can be extremely comforting. You just may make a few new lifelong friends! If you need additional help with breastfeeding, talk to your provider or doula. Don’t wait until things are so bad that you feel like giving up. It is normal to need help! Seek out the guidance of an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) who can help assess and set you on the right path. For you locals, Flutterby offers lactation services; and there are many other awesome lactation pros in the Twin Cities. Remember: You only have this baby, and this postpartum period, once. Be good to yourself. Turn over some control to others (good practice for parenting in general). Allow your body time to heal. Snuggle your baby; they are only this little for a short time. Ask for help. Remember that this too shall pass. Comments are closed.
AuthorErin Stertz-Follett, Owner Categories
December 2024