Anxious to get some Zs? Remember: You can download the entire 9-page fact sheet by registering for our Sleep Services Newsletter!
Continuing on with my preview of Flutterby's new infant sleep fact sheet, here are your next two Dos and Don'ts!...
Anxious to get some Zs? Remember: You can download the entire 9-page fact sheet by registering for our Sleep Services Newsletter! Over the next several days, I will be releasing pages from my newly-published "Top Dos and Don'ts of Infant Sleep" Fact Sheet! Today we start with Page One, which includes an introduction to my approach as well as DON'T #1 - "Don't Expect Baby to Sleep Through the Night!" Now, if you'd like to get straight to the punch and download all 9 printable pages right away, you can do so by signing up for our Sleep Services Newsletter HERE. Sweet Dreams!
AuthorErin Stertz-Follett, Owner Categories
December 2024