I was feeling nervous that I had not “mastered” Hypnobirthing leading up to the guess date, but on Thursday (the night before our 39 week appointment), I had an amazing session listening to 'Birth Horizon,' and had such a profound realization that I actually could have an unmedicated and beautiful birth.
At the appointment, I was concerned I was leaking amniotic fluid... and the test came back positive. By my estimation, it has started three days prior, so the recommendation was induction. I felt at that moment all hope would be lost, that I would be too overtaken by the Pitocin, and that interventions would start to add up. Thankfully, we had amazing care with the midwife team at Methodist, and they were so supportive of our birth plan. We started cervical ripening at 5pm Friday, Pitocin at 3am Saturday, by 1pm my water broke officially on its own, at 3:15 I started pushing, and he was born at 5pm! I used a few hypnosis tracks throughout, but mainly had the Affirmations repeating the entire time! My husband was an amazing partner, and I know it’s because of your class and our rehearsals! The funny thing is, the first few nights when the room was quiet, I still could hear the intro music to the Affirmations playing in my head. I wanted to thank you for empowering me to have a beautiful unmedicated birth despite induction! I also signed up for the Body Ready Method program, per your recommendation, and that was also a huge help in my mental/physical preparation... As well as the techniques and movements I brought into my birth! Sincerely, K, S, and A Flutterby is located in the Twin Cities, and provides Hypnobirthing as well as other classes and services for expectant families. Erin Stertz-Follett, Flutterby's Owner, is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnobirthing Educator, and Certified Birth Doula who has taught and assisted hundreds of families. Email her at [email protected] with any questions. Sharing is caring!
Birth can come with unexpected twists and turns. What's most important, as this student so gracefully explains, is feeling like you had a say in how your birthing plays out! Hypnobirthing teaches you tools for all "kinds" of birth.
Leading up to the birth, I was still very active with resistance training, yoga and stretching; and all within reason, and designed to support the birth experience and not to over do things.
My water broke at 6pm, and by 1am we were at the hospital. Contractions seemed to go from none straight to every 5 minutes for 1 minute. We had always planned to have a hospital birth and implement the tools we had learned with Flutterby. I was always open-minded to possibilities, and wanted to be close to any interventions, should I need them for medical reasons. We approached the labor with non-medicated in mind. and all the nurses at Methodist were extremely supportive of our wishes. I labored in the tub ( I had tested positive for covid two days prior which risked me out of birthing in the tub), and the water felt amazing. I stayed there for a while before wanting to get out and dry. I switched up positions when I felt necessary, but the balls were uncomfortable for me. All fours felt good and my husband could massage my back. Breathing through, and using affirmations in my head, I was able to stay calm and relaxed. I imagined that my baby was needing my help to stay focused on them, and so much of everything else around me is a blur. Time seemed to go fast. There was a point were I inquired about pain medication. I was really not making progress, and there had been some dips in the baby’s heart rate that suggested she might be having difficulties. I think this threw me off from my affirmations and my focus dwindled. I opted to have medication, and I was at peace with it. I continued my breathing and stayed calm, but baby’s heart rate continued to show dips. All the medical team explained with grace and transparency what was happening and what they thought would be best for the health of me and baby. She may not have enough reserves to make it through delivery, and we agreed a c-section was the best choice. Skipping ahead, I was able to implement a lot of the other wishes I’d had… delayed cord clamping, not wiping the vernix or bathing, immediate skin-to-skin. A lot did go how we wanted, and ultimately we have a happy and healthy baby girl and mum. I do believe the breathing techniques and affirmations really got me through the labor and helped me to stay in the zone. The classes also taught me how to set boundaries and ask for what I needed in the labor room and post delivery. Thank you Erin! Flutterby is located in the Twin Cities, and provides Hypnobirthing as well as other classes and services for expectant families. Erin Stertz-Follett, Flutterby's Owner, is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnobirthing Educator, and Certified Birth Doula who has taught and assisted hundreds of families. Email her at [email protected] with any questions. Sharing is caring! Hypnobirthing class helped me gain confidence in myself and my body. It was while I was taking the course that I decided to transfer my care at 32 weeks to a birthing center for my VBAC (vaginal birth after previous cesarean). My labor came spontaneously at 41 weeks. We arrived at Roots Birth Center in active labor, and it was a very peaceful environment with little intervention. My doula, husband and midwife supported me through my surges, and they never felt overwhelming. I played my daily affirmations Hypnobirthing playlist at the birth center. We ended up transferring to the hospital during pushing due to a long pushing phase, meconium (baby's first bowel movement being present in the waters) and heart decelerations. Yet, I never felt panicked and remained calm through the transfer. Baby Jack was born less than an hour after arriving at the hospital! I couldn't believe I achieved my unmedicated VBAC! Thank you, Erin! Flutterby is located in the Twin Cities, and provides Hypnobirthing as well as other classes and services for expectant families. Erin Stertz-Follett, Flutterby's Owner, is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnobirthing Educator, and Certified Birth Doula who has taught and assisted hundreds of families. Email her at [email protected] with any questions. Sharing is caring!
I had a few signs of early labor on the days leading up to my first wave (on Wednesday). I contacted my Doula on Tuesday morning and she agreed it could be early labor but it could be a while before it progresses. I felt good enough to go into work on Wednesday and even did a workout, with very few additional signs of the impending labor throughout the day. After work, my husband and I went on a walk. I was feeling some pressure and back pain, but that was pretty normal after our walks at this point. I decided to try some raspberry leaf tea I had been given and take a bath to calm my back muscles.
Within an hour of drinking the tea, I had started having waves. I thought they were braxton-hicks, but started to monitor them because they felt really long and close together. I drank cold water and tried to lay down, but the waves kept coming, and were already lasting a minute long. Soon my app was telling me to go. I called the birth center, and the midwife said to give it another hour, and if things don't calm down, we could call her because I was worried about being sent home. An hour later, nothing had changed, so we called the midwife and met her at the birth center around 1:30am. I had a cervical exam to see where I was at. and decide if I should stay and start the antibiotics (for GBS) or go home. We found out I was 5cm already and decided to start the antibiotics. Our doula met us at the birth center, but soon things slowed down. My waves were further and further apart, and by 10:30am (Thursday), we were headed home to get some rest and hope things would start moving along. The day progressed with no change, so our doula said she was coming over. At that point I was going on very little sleep from the last 3 nights and starting to become exhausted. Our doula arrived at 8:00pm that night to try some positions, but within an hour, it was clear that I just needed to try to sleep. She put me to bed at 9:00pm, but it didn’t last long because lying down made the waves stronger. I actually told my husband I didn’t know how much longer I could do this and seriously considered the hospital. Luckily, very soon after that, at 10:00pm, my water finally broke and we headed back to the birth center. At my 11:45pm cervical check I was still only 6cm, but they started my next IV for the antibiotics. Baby’s head was not tucked and we think that is why I stalled for so long. We did some more positions and things started to pick up again. After about an hour, I felt baby move and started to feel the need to push. I got another cervical check and I was 10cm, so they started the bath for my water birth. Once in the water, I pushed for about an hour and a half, and finally met my baby girl at 2:31am! I had a very minimal tear and didn’t need stitches, which was my biggest motivation for having a natural birth. I was so happy that I got the birth that I wanted and I could not have done it without my doula and husband. I am so proud my first birth experience was a success. I can’t wait to do it again! My husband and I both felt it was a good choice to do the Hypnobirthing class a little earlier in pregnancy. It gave me enough time to put everything I learned into practice. Thank you, Erin, for giving us the knowledge and tools to have a successful birth experience! Flutterby is located in the Twin Cities, and provides Hypnobirthing as well as other classes and services for expectant families. Erin Stertz-Follett, Flutterby's Owner, is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnobirthing Educator, and Certified Birth Doula who has taught and assisted hundreds of families. Email her at [email protected] with any questions. Sharing is caring! A second-time family's beautiful birth story...I just wanted to thank you...
When I had my daughter in 2020, I looked at my husband and told him I was going to die - If pain could kill me, it was going to. I later realized that was transition. I ended up having her in the hospital instead of the birth center because my blood pressure was high. Fast forward to this June... I did my hypnobirthing track religiously, every day. At least once a day, usually 2-4 times a day. I made affirmation cards and truly believed that birth could be beautiful. I went in with confidence and calm. I made it to 41 weeks with no signs of labor. After having baby engaged in my pelvis for 3 weeks, I was ready to meet this tiny human. I decided to induce (with the blessing of my midwife) with castor oil at 41+1. I spent time with my (older) daughter and rested. I started having surges about 4 hours later, long and strong. We headed to the birth center shortly there after. My blood pressure was over 91; 89 is the cut off (for transfer of care). The bath was filled, and my birth plan was on the wall. I was having that baby there. I spent 30 minutes on a fear release track. They let me get in the tub. My bp had dropped to 110/80... I could stay. I rode my surges with the affirmations and some fear release tracks. After each one, something made me smile: The fact I was going to meet my baby soon; my midwife was there; my straw had my daughters bite marks all over it; saying 'ready' like my daughter does to my husband; my baby 'mandala' visualization that I colored with sparkly rainbow markers; I forgot the champagne; making sure everyone had cake (we brought 'nothing bunt cakes' to the birthday party). I felt a little crazy. It was so instinctual. I moved when I needed, my team was so supportive. My affirmations came true before my eyes. It was really incredible. When midwife had to leave, she instilled confidence that the one on call would take excellent care of me. We switched over to my carefully curated playlist and I really got into the groove. My husband asked when I thought they would be born. I told him my first instinct was 'Good Morning' by the Dandy Warhol's, but I knew it wasn't for an hour. I thought I was in transition 3 times. The last time, I wanted to escape for the first time. I looked at Anthony, yearning for him to remove me from myself... Then realizing it was really almost time. I felt pressure, heard the song end, and 'Good Morning' came on. I lost my confidence for the first time, but my midwife gave me hers. I wanted to catch baby, but at that moment, I told her I needed help. She told me that's why she was there. Her eyes told me it was okay. At some point, the head was out to their forehead, and the surge stopped. I reached down and felt it. After a moment of panic, I allowed my pelvic floor to relax around his head and reminded myself that I am doing it. I am right where I need to be. He was born by the end of the song, and I helped bring him to the surface. I just held him to my chest. I didn't even look to see he was a boy until they helped me move to the bed. We got a golden hour+plus before they did anything. They kept the placenta attached for most of that time, and I pushed it out after about 25 minutes. Anthony got to hold him before they weighed and measure him. I had them wait to assess the blood before we decided on Pitocin; it was not necessary. I realized after I never had a cervical check; not one time did they question my body's ability to do what it was clearly doing. I showed my husband and my doula the drawing of my 'ideal birth' after, he said, "Whoa. That is just like what happened." My memories from his birth are magical. I feel so empowered and confident. Unpacking my bag, I discovered tools I had completely forgotten about; I had them, but didn't need them. I never once thought about using nitrous. I had no interventions. I will tell anyone who asks you made the difference. Hypnobirthing changed my whole perspective. My postpartum period has been totally different, so much better. So, thank you from the depths of my soul. -Amanda Flutterby is located in the Twin Cities, and provides Hypnobirthing as well as other classes and services for expectant families. Erin Stertz-Follett, Flutterby's Owner, is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Certified Hypnobirthing Educator, and Certified Birth Doula who has taught and assisted hundreds of families. Email her at [email protected] with any questions. Sharing is caring! |
AuthorErin Stertz-Follett, Owner Categories
January 2024