I went into prodromal labor on Wednesday night (two days before the birth), and wasn't consistent enough with my surges to go to the birth center (Roots Community Birth Center). I didn't get much sleep Wednesday or Thursday nights - and, without my HypnoBirthing techniques, I don't know what I would have done. My doula also spent Thursday night with me, and her familiarity with HypnoBirthing and overall attentiveness and knowledge was a true gift. (I see why labor outcomes are more positive with doulas!!).
When I finally did go to the center for an assessment (my membranes hadn't released, so I wanted a cervical check), I was at 4cm opened. After an hour and a half of Benadryl-induced 'somewhat-sleep' at the center, we did some Spinning Babies techniques and the surges really started to ramp up! Six hours later, H was born!!... Completely naturally and unmedicated; received into her fathers hands, placenta born still attached, observance of a golden hour of bonding, very little postpartum bleeding on my part - it was all we wanted and more! I can't tell you enough how much strength and ability to have the birth WE wanted came from the HypnoBirthing class you taught us. Especially as a first time mom, not knowing what to expect but having the grace, knowledge and faith to surrender to the miracle of birth. Especially a natural, out-of-hospital birth. From being able to counter my own family's concern/fear to being out-of-hospital to the moment-to-moment passage of each surge as they literally took hold of my body in their unrelenting series of rushes... I had tools to use from HypnoBirthing class! The cost of the class was hands down the best, most comprehensive investment we put towards our birth preparation. If this helps persuades one couple to take this class, the value they will receive be worth it. They say a woman remembers her birthing experiences for the rest of her life, and you helped ours be one of pride, strength and fearless love. Love and deep gratitude, P, N + Baby H
Erin Stertz-Follett, Flutterby's Owner, is a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, Certified HypnoBirthing® Educator, and Certified Birth Doula who has taught and assisted hundreds of families. Feel free to email her at [email protected] with any questions!
AuthorErin Stertz-Follett, Owner Categories
December 2024